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Entries Number:


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Please contact me if you have any questions. (English)Email : CIDPAE2023@126.com

Color Section

Title:《彩色陷阱 Color Traps》 No.A00792
Title:《祈福 Pray for blessings》 No.A00229
Title:《拾蛏人 Razor clam harvesters》 No.A00768
Title:《画意叠影 mood of a painting ghost image》 No.A00611
Title:《舞转回红袖 Dancing with red sleeves》 No.A00556
Title:《沙海踏浪 Walking in the waves》 No.A00534
Title:《游客如流的苗寨之夜 Tourist wave in Hmong Village》 No.A00436
Title:《祈福》 No.A00132
Title:《大漠灵动 Lively desert 3》 No.A00296
Title:《Natural colours》 No.A00600
Title:《鸟瞰世界14》 No.A00095
Title:《摆夜摊 Night stall》 No.A00800
Title:《门 Door》 No.A00805
Title:《Beach Architecture》 No.A00471
Title:《家园 Home》 No.A00328
Title:《美在你我他 Nature relies on everyone》 No.A00517
Title:《里立面 Inside Out》 No.A00621
Title:《一码当先 The Code Leads the Way》 No.A00301

Monochrome Section

Title:《天河泻瀑 Cascading》 No.B00264
Title:《ARCHITETTURA 2》 No.B00275
Title:《Shaanxi Yaozhou Porcelain》 No.B00271
Title:《良畜雪多牦牛 Superior Xueduo Yak》 No.B00155
Title:《壮阔风光2》 No.B00056
Title:《The Noon Sunshine》 No.B00270
Title:《月满西楼》 No.B00449
Title:《悠闲时光 Leisure time》 No.B00249
Title:《清澈的双眸 Clear eyes》 No.B00441
Title:《高原新青年The Plateau Young Man》 No.B00265
Title:《丹山秘境 Danxia secret area》 No.B00203
Title:《鹤舞3》 No.B00101
Title:《顶上功夫 Aerial Kungfu》 No.B00322
Title:《向往 Yearning》 No.B00145
Title:《驼队 Camel train》 No.B00387
Title:《Steamed buns are fragrant》 No.B00410
Title:《》 No.B00358
Title:《禅定》 No.B00520

Exhibition Review